воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Siento el deseo de escribir, quiz� m�s que nunca. Quiz� porque nunca he pasado tanto tiempo sin escribir (alguna que otra cosa he escrito, pero nada en realidad) desde que empec� pero m�s a�n porque es casi seguro que jam�s hab�a pasado tanto tiempo sin sentir el deseo o la necesidad, sin buscar tiempo para ello, sin echarlo de menos, sin pensar en formas ni fondos, en historias, en desarrollos, en im�genes, estilo, personajes, simples palabras, nada. Sin echarlo de menos.
Ahora vuelve el deseo y vuelve sin centrarse en lo de siempre, en lo que siempre estuvo ah� y siempre me hizo re�rme de mi misma:�Toda la parafernalia asociada. Siempre he pensado que ten�a todos los vicios asociados a la escritura a�n antes de empezar a escribir, una especie de querencia de los t�picos y man�as, una visi�n casi rom�ntica de lo que es sentarse y empezar a formar palabras. Que si crisis de p�gina en blanco, que si tiene que ser el mismo l�piz que ayer, que si acabar una libreta antes de empezar otra, escribir en Arial por fuerza, la taza de caf� al lado, que sea de noche, la historia preformada, dar vueltas y vueltas a una frase, encontrar el principio perfecto antes de poner una sola palabra...
Tonter�as ahora. Lo que hecho de menos es lo otro, la parte aburrida, la parte fr�a, fea, absurda, la palabra que se engancha, el momento que no encaja porque el desarrollo vari� en un peque�o detalle y hay que elegir uno de los dos caminos.
Echo de menos elegir caminos.
La idea que ataca cuando menos conviene, las revisiones, la tercera lectura que ser� �ltima pero no puede serlo porque a media lectura descubres una incoherencia, dar vueltas al atajo.
Echo de menos la reescritura.
El personaje que se escapa, el secundario que se come al protagonista, el final feliz que te grita que seas buena y compasiva, el final triste que te grita que no es que seas negativa, es que �l cuadra mejor. Los sin�nimos que se pelean, las met�foras haci�ndose las divas, las miriadas de adjetivos jugando a llegar primero,
Vaya, echo de menos hasta los adverbios acabados en -mente.

Las revisiones ortogr�ficas, el le�smo y el la�smo y el querer hablar con un ling�ista que me diga de una vez cu�l de los dos tengo para no tener que pararme a pensar, las comas que bailan de un lado a otro, los p�rrafos eternos, las frases que dejar�an sin respiraci�n a un corredor de fondo y que hay que acortar por fuerza, pero, d�nde.

Las formas de los versos, cortar d�nde cu�ndo por qu� la rima buscada, la rima que sobra, la sonoridad casual y perfecta, la sonoridad vac�a e imposible de remediar, los encadenados de frases cortas que suenan a usados mil veces pero tienen fuerza.
La frase en la que te quedar�as a vivir pero que odias porque parece gritar que el resto del texto sobra.
El desarrollo sin equilibrio que no deja dormir, la idea perfecta que se despedaza al escribirla pero no quiere irse y se empe�a en no encajar.
El inmenso puzzle que es expresar algo.
Es que echo de menos hasta la preparaci�n, la investigaci�n, la p�gina de la RAE abierta.
Es que echo de menos hasta sentir que no s� suficiente, que no soy buena, que cualquiera lo har�a mejor, la envidia, la impotencia de escuchar una frase y pensar en por qu� no la pens� yo, releer y decir "No, esto no vale, esto no es bueno".

Hasta el fracaso estrepitoso.

Un deseo sin formas, sin premisas, sin intenciones. Ni poes�a, ni prosa, ni ensayo, ni di�logo, ni creaci�n de personajes, ni verso libre, ni escritura abierta, ni innovaci�n, ni clasicismo.

S�lo escribir. Bien o mal, con o sin sentido. S�lo escribir.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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For my birthday, my family and I (mom dad) went up to Little Rock today. We stopped by Target on the way there to return some shoes that didnapos;t fit (which I purchased months ago :P).

Afterwards, we ate at the El Chico up the road from Target. I fucking love that place. We used to have an El Chico at the Hot Springs Mall (about fifteen minutes away), but alas, they took it out for some reason, and now itapos;s a Don Juanapos;s. Oddly, I prefer Don Juanapos;s over El Chico, but fuck, I had a lot of good memories of that place, ya know? James I eating there every other day a couple summers ago; harassing the waitresses for whatever reasons; admiring the beautiful women; etc.

Anyways, moving on. After eating at El Chico, we drove up to the Best Buy on the west-side of Little Rock. I remember they used to have tons of great albums and stuff, but for whatever reason, now itapos;s mostly just uber mainstream crap; however, I did [surprisingly] find a copy of Impact Is Imminent from Exodus. I havenapos;t listened to it yet, but if itapos;s anything similar to Bonded by Blood, itapos;s going to be ace. :P

So, an employee at Best Buy recommended I checked out Barnes Noble up the road, since they carry more unknown bands and more obscure material. I had never been into a Barnes Noble before, so it was interesting. I rather enjoyed the store. A nice selection of books, an excellent selection of records, nice atmosphere, and a coffee shop. Somewhat pricey, but what can you do? I found Dear You from Jawbreaker in their music section, which was a pleasant surprise. Next time we venture into Little Rock, Iapos;ll defiantly be spending most of my time inside Barnes Noble.

Pretty much sums up my day.

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elmhurst nyc

�So, I havenapos;t been on in a while and I thought Iapos;d get on and update.

So, this morning I found a great website on how to make bento boxes I was thrilled. ^-^

Itapos;s on livejournal actually, I believe the user is called bentolunch
Either way very cute and you should go check it out if youapos;re interested.
Hopefully theyapos;ll add me soon and then you can just find them on my profile.

Other than that Iapos;m going to a hockey game tonight yay me �Iapos;m so excited and pumped up Iapos;m going to scream at the top of my lungs and itapos;s all going to be bomb dot com yo hehe ^-^
I shall post later and inform you who wins, because Iapos;m sure you all care right? �O.o rrrriiiigggghhhhhttttt...........
<3 Tea

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Slacking in progress leh. Shit, i dont know what i am doing anymore. I am so fucking relax now and i cant even feel the tension. SO�STUPID like that hor, i dont think i can get below 20 for R5 liao la. Noone from my school is online. Sighs.... It makes me feel even worse when i think of humanities, which is already a gone case. You know, chemistry is on monday and i think i flipped through the text book for more than 15 chapters in 2 hours, is that an accomplishment?

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alone danced i've lyric thousand times

Iapos;ve started working at the library again, albeit in a different department that (theoretically) should be less stressful than the old one. It means three days of the week Iapos;ll be going pretty much straight from classes to work, and Iapos;m down to one real day of weekend. Combine that with extra shifts for training this week, and Pirateapos;s next day off will be next Saturday.

On a Vesper note, I finally screamed at her and threatened a lawsuit if she didnapos;t get her shit together and start paying back some of what she owes me and my parents. Said "conversation" stuck me firmly in grumpy pants mode for a day or two, but I think Iapos;m recovered. Or maybe Iapos;m just too tired to be grumpy right now. I donapos;t know.

Anyway, onto the real reason I wanted to post.

I have a confession to make. Iapos;ve never really gotten over the self-esteem issues I had in high school (i.e. I was 40-50 lbs heavier and SUPER shy). I mean, I can walk by a mirror and be like, "Hey, I look pretty damn good, if I do say so myself" but when it comes to people complimenting me, or hitting on me, my usual reaction is somewhere along the lines of "Bwa?" *confused head tilt* I can get "cute" to process, but when someone throws "hot" at me, Iapos;m incapable of processing the connection between that word and myself.

Yet at the same time, I find it increasingly difficult to name a friend/associate who hasnapos;t hit on me at least once (excluding straight girls, and some gay guys*). To the best of my knowledge, two of my seven classmates are interested in jumping my bones, and of the others, one is 50-something, 3 are the preppy girl squad, and one is engaged and well-behaved (or trained, not sure which). Weapos;ve all heard the Jose story, but as awkward as that was, the second classmate takes the cake.

Jose and I were sitting in the hall, waiting for class to start, and Geeky Girl came and sat with us. Now, Iapos;m not closeted in the slightest at school. Iapos;ve spent the last two and a half months wondering how the crap Geeky Girl hadnapos;t picked up on the fact that Iapos;m gay. Well, sheapos;s no longer oblivious.

Jose and I were talking about movies, and I mentioned that Iapos;d seen Quarentine the previous weekend, pausing to note that it was okay, but the only thing really worth going for is the hot lead actress.

Geeky Girl: Wait. Did you say actress or actor?
Pirate: *confused stare* ... Actress.
GG: Oh.
Jose and Pirate stare at one another, Jose starts giggling quietly, while Pirate exercises her eye-rolling muscles.
GG: So... Um... Iapos;m not sure if I should ask this, but are you... Um...
P: Yes.
GG: Oh. Well, thatapos;s cool. I mean, I donapos;t have a problem with it**. Iapos;ve even done stuff with girls before. In fact, my fiance and I were sort of looking for a girl...
P: *horrified stare*
GG: I hope thatapos;s not awkward.
P: ... Uhhhhhhhhhm ... Hey look Classroomapos;s open *flee*

Jose has been laughing about it all week. Especially when GGapos;s fiance came in to pick her up yesterday, and sheapos;s been stuck to me like a barnacle.

I need to start dating again so I can just head these things off at the pass with "Sorry Taken"

Anyway, the gist of that is that Iapos;ve got a serious rift between my self image and how everyone else perceives me.

Right. Pirate go to work now. Blah.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m not sure if itapos;s the meds or not, but I feel funny, like not sad.. But numb? And Iapos;ve been waking up feeling really nauseous the last few mornings.

Not that this is anything new (or even related), but I donapos;t feel like talking to anyone. Iapos;ve blown off everyone for the last week because I simply didnapos;t feel like seeing or dealing with anyone. It isnapos;t even anything personal against them. I donapos;t even feel like leaving my house. I tried playing wow, that couldnapos;t keep my attention. I started reading New Moon, and I only got about 20 pages in before that lost my interest too. The only thing I really feel like doing is going up to my parents cabin in Wrightwood, building a nice little fire in the fireplace and curling up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and my dog to watch Harry Potter. Iapos;m craving the solitude that that house provides for me. I havenapos;t been up there in at least a year, and thatapos;s just... Weird. We used to go up there every weekend during the winter.

I miss everything about it. The cold, crisp air, the crunch of snow and dead leaves beneath my boots, the certain smell it had.. The sounds of my brother and sister and all of their friends when they were just teenagers. Ashleyapos;s posse always laughing, listening to whatever music was popular at the time, and my brotherapos;s, always watching pro snowboarding videos or playing video games and taking turns spinning drum n bass in his room. I was always alone up there, because, being the youngest, all of my friends were too young for their parents to let them be so far away for the weekend, so I was always very observant. Objectively watching, vicariously living through everyone else. I remember everything about it, fondly. Even if it was lonely at times. That house was always so full of life. I wonder if thatapos;s why I yearn so badly to be there right now.. It saddens me to think of it sitting there, idly as it is now, with nothing but the ghosts of our warm memories imprinted in itapos;s surrounding walls and 20 foot ceilings.
But itapos;s all I can think about.
Itapos;s the only place I want to be right now.
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